LCBA was founded in 1890 as the Ladies Catholic Benevolent Association by a group of courageous Catholic women in Titusville, Pennsylvania. Back then, women were considered uninsurable by commercial insurance companies. These women posted their resources and kept a kitty against crippling expenses ranging from newborns to natural disasters to their own life's end.
By the 1960's, the actuarial sciences were long established, and LCBA provided members with traditional insurance products. These women and their spouses were now also beneficiaries of government and employer-based healthcare and retirement programs. Further, more Catholics were marrying across denominational lines. It was at this time that LCBA changed its name from the Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association to Loyal Christian Benefit Association and opened membership to both genders of all Christian faiths.
Loyal Christian Benefit Association (LCBA), founded in 1890, is a unique organization that provides the financial protection our members need, with the added benefit of helping those in need. We put our earnings back into communities and causes, not pockets. Members get life or other insurance products and, in doing so, help support scholarships, charitable events, and more. It's different because it makes a difference.